Atualização Permanente - Cirurgia 5.0 e Cirurgia Robótica
Atualização Permanente - Cirurgia 5.0 e Cirurgia Robótica
Núcleo de Gastroenterologia do Hospital Vivalle Rede D’Or São Luiz
Núcleo de Gastroenterologia do Hospital Vivalle Rede D’Or São Luiz
36th IBC Oxford Hot Topics in Surgery Webinar to be held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 1100-1230 EST (1600-1700 BST). The theme of the webinar is: Trials in Bariatric-Metabolic Surgery; from SOS to STAMPEDE to SLEEVEPASS to BEST - How has Trial Data Impacted Clinical Practice? To register for this free event:
36th IBC Oxford Hot Topics in Surgery Webinar to be held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 1100-1230 EST (1600-1700 BST). The theme of the webinar is: Trials in Bariatric-Metabolic Surgery; from SOS to STAMPEDE to SLEEVEPASS to BEST - How has Trial Data Impacted Clinical Practice? To register for this free event: